Friday, 19 June 2009

Softy Walter on location! (Stationers park)

A couple of weeks ago I went down to the park with my beautiful friend Saskia, my friend Dai (with his camera) to get some good pics of my Softy Walter pieces. We climbed trees, almost fell in ponds and Dai took 380 photos! Below is a selection of some of the best and some messing about ones.

Dai climbs a tree to rescue a necklace!

Saskia is silly!

That's me in the silly hat!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A little Bazaar

This Saturday Softy Walter will be tottering down to Islington in London to take part in 'A Little Bazaar'. Come down to the Keston Lodge on Upper Street on the 20th June and the 4th July and buy cakes, vintage and craft goodies! See you there!

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

LadyFest Oxford Crafternoon!

Another public appearnace form Softy Walter - 23rd of May I'll be at the Crafternoon at Ladyfest Oxford. I'll be demonstrating the 'technique' to rolling felt up. (Harder and more frustrating than you'd think!) and the process I got through to make a brooch. So if you want The Knowledge come on down!

It's all ready. Bye Bye my pretties

So the ICA order is all ready to go on sale today!

Here it is in all it's colourful glory!

The whole order!


Hair slides!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Thank you!

A big thank you to The Downtown Boutique, Strikk, FabricNation and Crafty Ash for all chatting about Softy Walter on their blogs. Check them out!

I've been working very hard on the ICA order due in a couple of weeks and I'm also planning to show you how to make a swirl felt hair clip soon too.

I can smell toast burning, but I don't have a toaster. Best go and investigate...

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Softy Walter soon available in the shop at The Institute of Contemporary Arts

Kinda gave the big news away in the title there but yes, I am very pleased to announce that a selection of the Softy Walter range will be available to buy at the ICA shop and in their online shop too from the beginning of May. Sitting alongside designers such as Love from Hetty and Dave is a great honour - in short I'm well chuffed!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Handm@de Cambridge 4th April 2009

I've been blogged! Did a little interview for the Handm@de Cambridge Fair blog which you can read at

This is the poster for the event. I'm really looking forward to it!

In BIG Etsy news, I have my first online sale! Very exciting and have strange feeling that world domination might not be that far off. Must prepare.

New bangles for your delectation

They're takin over! The brooches, they're takin over!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Ritzy Cinema Craft Show - 21st Feb

Had a great time at the Ritzy on Saturday and met some lovely crafters!

Here some pics of me and my table at the Ritzy. Going to be heading back to the Ritzy soon.

Until next time!

Friday, 20 February 2009

B is for brooch

A brooch that looks like sweets. excellent. I love this I might start wearing it myself! Plenty more where that came from though. The possibilities are endless, so many colours!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Bangly no Jangly

Hello world - I'm Softy Walter *blushes*

Hello, I'm Softy Walter. I make cool stuff that you can wear out of felt.

All of the things you can see here are available for purchase in my Etsy shop at

It's great there on Etsy, have a browse around, there are some seriously talented people making some jeffing brilliant things, and all HANDMADE.

So as and when I make something new and exciting I'll put it up here for you to see and hopefully drool over. If you have any feedback on what I've made good or bad then do leave a comment. Always striving for soft felted perfection - that's me!