Friday, 19 June 2009

Softy Walter on location! (Stationers park)

A couple of weeks ago I went down to the park with my beautiful friend Saskia, my friend Dai (with his camera) to get some good pics of my Softy Walter pieces. We climbed trees, almost fell in ponds and Dai took 380 photos! Below is a selection of some of the best and some messing about ones.

Dai climbs a tree to rescue a necklace!

Saskia is silly!

That's me in the silly hat!

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

A little Bazaar

This Saturday Softy Walter will be tottering down to Islington in London to take part in 'A Little Bazaar'. Come down to the Keston Lodge on Upper Street on the 20th June and the 4th July and buy cakes, vintage and craft goodies! See you there!